Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Flame Within

The Flame Within
There is a flame that burns brightly and deeply hidden within. It is weakening to the outer man and it cripples us for any activity outside of God's will. Every now and then the oil of grace is poured onto this flame and we see suddenly and with great lucidity, the stunning work that had been going on within, and we take courage and renew our total direction to that One Thing from a new rung of gratefulness . But for the most part, and for long long stretches, the work is hidden and weakening to the outer faculties and continuously humbling to ego. Keep going, keep going, keep going! it seems to say, and how incredibly blessed we are if we listen without giving in to doubt. The day is coming when the work will be over, or, by so many proofs, nearing its end, and the joy and lightness of our spirits then is such that all we can do some days is laugh.


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